Hail Mary & Friends is an Australian-based, globally-experienced collective of senior creative talent. We specialise in bringing a fresh perspective to the work late in the game, when you need it most. What’s more, if you’re in the US or anywhere else in the world, we’ll make time differences and exchange rates work to your advantage.



    This ECD has more than 80 creative and effectiveness awards to his name. He brings global experience on any category you can imagine with projects covering everything from Super Bowl briefs to YouTube pre rolls--the former of which he is more than familiar with given his years of experience in New York and Colorado.



    A true multidisciplinary creative director, his career has spanned two decades at advertising agencies in Canada, the US and Australia. Awarded at all the major international shows, he brings extensive experience across multiple advertising categories, including banking, insurance, FMCG, fast food, clothing, and mental health—along with a sharp eye for art direction and words.



    An award-winning hybrid creative leader, with a track record of game-changing, business-driven work. In his 16-year career this Mary has won over 60 local and international awards, and worked at leading agencies across the world like Droga5 New York and CP+B Los Angeles. In his output he consistently produces work like music videos, interactive installations and social initiatives that defy categorisation and transcend the norms of advertising.



    This CD/Art Director has a true passion for crafting simple, compelling narratives. It's an approach that has seen him awarded internationally and build a diverse portfolio of work spanning the US and AUS across insurance and automotive. He also writes and enjoys different shaped ideas that entertain and respects people for their time. Over the years he has been a trusted partner of agencies such as Leo Burnett, DDB Chicago and Arnold Worldwide.



    With two decades of experience in Advertising and Design, this CD/art director has worked for some of the top agencies in Brazil and Australia creating campaigns for a diverse range of iconic brands. Throughout his career, He has led local and global creative teams to deliver large-scale complex campaigns and pitches, not only conceptually, but also adding an unrivalled level of design polish. His work has won hundreds of creative and effectiveness awards, including two D&AD Black Pencils, multiple Cannes Grand Prix—including Australia’s first-ever Titanium Grand Prix— a Grand Effie, and the ‘Champion for Humanity’ award from the UN.



    Over 20 years experience, with close to half of that in the US. He has worked with some of the world’s biggest brands, working on global launches in fashion and tourism, but brings the same amount of passion to any project big or small. A writer's writer who isn’t too shabby with Gen AI, his work has been recognised at award shows internationally, and by people who buy things.



    A CD/Art Director with a passion for ideas only matched by her passion for pop art. Awarded internationally with two decades experience (close to half that in the US) she has led projects and pitches for iconic US brands, and brings design platform skills that are second-to-none.



    From creating bots that call out online trolls, to using AI to question what AI means to the industry at large, this CD/writer’s work is truly innovative. But it’s never at the expense of a simplicity of messaging, as can be seen in the array of effective brand and government projects he has led over the years. He has created award winning work across New Zealand, Singapore, and Australia, earning recognition at Cannes and winning Western Australia’s first Digital Lion.



    A Creative Director/Art Director (who has been known to write the occasional headline), he is known for a playful curiosity that has driven him towards the unconventional, both in Australia and New Zealand. From floating a massive duck across Auckland Harbour to developing dog selfie tools, his work has earned recognition at Cannes and D&AD. Along the way he has led teams on FMCG, Government, and Education accounts–all underpinned by a passion for fostering diversity and collaboration amongst agencies and clients.

Creative Direction

Art Direction



Brand Platforms

Brand Experience



Integrated campaigns

Creative Direction • Art Direction • Copywriting • Design • Brand Platforms • Brand Experience • Social • Digital • Integrated campaigns •